HDA 200 Audiometric Headphone
Closed dynamic headphones designed for extended high frequency testing.
♦ Excellent passive attenuation (based on Peltor
Ear Defenders)
♦ Very high quality sound reproduction
♦ Convenient single sided cable
♦ Padded headband and additional adjustable/removable cushions for increased comfort
♦ Soft, replaceable circumaural ear pads
♦ Color coded ear cups, right (red) left (blue)
Technical Data
Frequency response < 20 to > 20,000 Hz
PTB calibrated see table
Transducer principle dynamic, closed
Nominal impedance 40 Ohm
Characterisitic SPL 100 dB at 1 kHz, 1 mW
Max permanent load 500 mW
Coupling circumaural
Caliper pressure 10 N
Weight (with cable) 330 g
Cable approx. 3 m, single-sided, open-ended
Connection yellow + L
black – L
red + R
white – R
Standard SPL Passive Maximum SPL
frequencies (dB 20µPa) attenuation (<10 min. @
(Hz) @ .5 Vrms (dB) 5 V RMS)
Sennheiser Electronic Corporation One Enterprise Drive PO Box 987, Old Lyme, CT 06371
Tel: 860-434-9190 Fax: 860-434-1759 Web site: www.sennheiserusa.com
HDA200 is PTB approved. Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany. PTB is equivalent to
the National Bureau of Standards.
125 112.5 14.3 132 ± 3
250 113.0 15.9 132 ± 3
500 112.0 22.5 132 ± 3
750 111.0 - 131 ± 3
1,000 108.5 28.6 129 ± 3
2,000 104.0 - 124 ± 3
3,000 104.0 32.0 124 ± 3
4,000 104.0 45.7 124 ± 3
5,000 106.5 - 127 ± 3
6,000 107.5 - 125 ± 3
8,000 105.5 43.8 125 ± 5
9,000 105.0 - 123 ± 5
10,000 102.5 - 122 ± 5
11,200 102.0 - 123 ± 5
12,500 103.0 - 118 ± 5
14,000 98.5 - 119 ± 5
16,000 100.0 - 120 ± 5
• All measurements are done on a calibrated coupler
B&K 4153 (artificial ear) with the standard cone
YJ0304 above the adapter plate, type DB 0843.
• The pressure of the headband shall be 10N ± 1N.
• The RMS input voltage to the headphone is 0.5 V.
• The measurements are done with steady state sine
wave signals.
• The output impedance of the signal source shall be
<1 Ohm.
• Climatic conditions:
Temperature T=20º C
Humidity H=50%rel
Atmospheric pressure P=approx. 100kPa
All data are influenced by temperature, humidity and static pressure.
HDA 200 Frequency Response Test Conditions