
ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[53] ESC [ @ n1 n2 [1B,5B,40,n1,n2,m1,..,m4] H Sets single or double height/width/line-spacing mode.
m1...m4 [27,91,64,n1,n2,m1,..,m4] D n1=4, n2=0, and m2=0.
m1=00h: no change
m1=01h: italic style is set
m1=02h: italic style is cancelled
m1=04h: outline style is set
m1=08h: outline style is cancelled
m1=10h: shadow style is set
m1=20h: shadow style is cancelled
m3=00h: no change
m3=01h: single character height
m3=02h: double character height
m3=10h: single line spacing
m3=11h: single char. height/single line spacing
m3=12h: double char. height/single line spacing
m3=20h: double line spacing
m3=21h: single char. height/double line spacing
m3=22h: double char. height/double line spacing
m4=00h: no change
m4=01h: single character width.
m4=02h: double character width.
[54] ESC [ I n1 n2 [1B,5B,49,n1,n2,Hf,Lf, Selects character attributes (font, character spacing/
Hf, Lf, Hs, Ls Hs,Ls,Sm,00,Hc,Lc] H size, and/or code page in the following format.
Sm, 00, Hc, Lc [27,91,73,n1,n2,Hf,Lf, The number of parameter bytes following n1 and n2
is defined by n1+n2
1. Select a font, character style, and spacing in the following tables: (n1=2 and n2=0)
Normal Character Style Table (Hf: Upper byte, Lf: Lower byte)
Various Character Style Table (Hf: Upper byte, Lf: Lower byte)
Hf/Lf (Hex) 10cpi 12cpi 15cpi 17cpi 20cpi 24cpi P
Courier 00/0B 01/EB 01/EC 01/ED 01/EE 01/1E 01/AB
Prestige 00/0C 01/EF 01/F0 01/C9 01/CA 01/1F 00/A4
Gothic 00/24 01/8F 01/8E 01/8D 01/8C 01/20 00/AE
Orator-S 00/19 01/D0 01/D1 01/D2 01/D3 01/23 00/C7
Orator 00/05 01/CB 01/CC 01/CD 01/CE 01/21 00/C6
Script 01/D4 01/D5 01/D6 01/D7 01/D8 01/24 00/C8
Character Styles Normal Italic Emphasized Emphasized Double-Width Double-Width Double-Width
Hf/Lf (Hex) Italic Double-HeightDouble-HeightDouble-Height
Emphasized Double-Strike
Courier 10 cpi 00/12 00/2E 00/39 00/F4 00/F5
Courier 12 cpi 00/55 00/5C 00/6C 00/74
Courier 15 cpi 00/DF 00/D7 00/D6 00/D8
Courier 17 cpi 00/FE 00/FD
Courier Prop. 00/AC 00/B8 00/B9
Prestige 10 cpi 00/3C
Prestige 12 cpi 00/56 00/70 00/6F
Prestige 15 cpi 00/DD
Prestige 17 cpi 01/00
Gothic 10 cpi ————00/F1 00/F2 00/F3
Gothic 12 cpi 00/57 00/6D 00/6E
Gothic 15 cpi 00/DE
Gothic 17 cpi 00/FF
Gothic 20 cpi 01/19
Gothic Prop. 00/A2 00/9D
B. Control code summary (IBM)