Boosting can give you extra speed, distance, and/or air
by interacting with special environmental objects — such
as logs, rocks, poles, and more — and allow you to gain
the upper hand on your rival. Oftentimes, correctly per-
forming a Boost leads to special Power-Ups or shortcuts.
When a Boost opportunity presents itself, a context-sensi-
tive button icon will appear over the environmental object.
In order to successfully pull off a Boost maneuver, you
must quickly press a Boost button before the opportunity
is lost. There are two types of Boosts: Air and Speed, and
the context-sensitive button will help tell you which is the
best one to use.
Note: You are not required to match the context-sensitive
button displayed for each Boost — it just gives tips!
Air Boost: When the
ton icon appears over an ob-
ject, pressing the
at the precise time allows
your character to vertically
Boost into the air and reach
platforms and areas that are otherwise unattainable.
Speed Boost: When the
button icon appears over
an object, pressing the
button at the precise time
allows your character to
horizontally Boost along the
track for a temporary burst of speed. Speed Boosts can
give you the chance to pass, stay ahead, or catch up to
your rival.
Note: Some Boosts opportunities will have a “?” icon
over them. When this icon appears, you can choose
either Boost without worry.
After every two Acts*, Sonic
and his rivals will have to
face one of Eggman’s
mechanical bosses. To fell
these huge beasts, you must
locate their weak spots and attack them multiple times.
Of course, your rival will be attempting the same thing.
The character to get the predetermined number of hits
first, wins!
* Except for Zone 3.
Pick up Power-Ups as you
speed across the track and
use them to temporarily
stop your rival in his tracks.
Power-Ups can be found
hovering in the air. To pick
up a Power-Up, simply run over it.
Each Power-Up has two uses: Offensive and Defensive.
If you are ahead of your rival, the Power-Up will be used
defensively. If you are behind your rival, it will be used
offensively. Offensive Power-Ups are generally used as
projectile weapons that shoot down the track until they
hit your rival or an obstruction. Defensive Power-Ups are
generally used as dropped weapons that sit on the track
until your rival runs into them.
Each racer also has a Signature Move Power-Up, which
is represented by a Star icon. Sonic has “Sonic Boom,”
Knuckles has “Hammer Punch,” Shadow has “Chaos
Control” and Silver has “Psychic Control.”
card collection
Collect Trading Cards by winning races, getting high
scores, and trading and wagering them against your
friends via the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system’s Ad
Hoc Mode. Choose VIEW
COLLECTION from the Main
Menu to view how many Cards
you’ve won and collected.
Use the analog stick or the
directional buttons Z and
X to cycle through the Card
categories and press the s
button to select a category.
Once a category has been
selected, use the analog stick or the directional buttons
Z and X to cycle through the cards and view them. To
switch between pages, press the N and B buttons.
Pressing the d button will pull up a Summary Window,
which displays a breakdown of the Cards you’ve already
collected. Press the a button to exit and return to the
previous menu.
Power-up Offensive Effect Defensive Effect Zones
Fire Rolling Fireball Fire Shield All
Ice Snow Blast Ice Cube All
Mine Floating Homing Mine Stationary Mine 3+
Illusion Confusion Decoy Zapper Rings 4+
Wind Shoot Tornado Drop Tornado 3+
Ring Magnet Ring Magnet Ring Magnet 3+
Star Signature Move Signature Move All