If you find the Checkpoint Marker, make sure to touch
it. This allows you to restart the Act from this location,
should you lose a life and have any remaining.
● Checkpoint
If you possess even one ring, it will protect you from
losing a life upon taking damage. When you take dam-
age, you will lose all the rings you possess, making
yourself vulnerable. If you collect 100 rings, you will
earn an extra life.
● Rings
During the game, press START to pause the game and
display the Pause Menu. Select CONTINUE or press
START again to continue the Act. Select GO BACK to
quit the current Act and return to the Zone Select
If you set the Time Over settings ON in Options (p.15),
the Time Counter will start to flash when the time limit
nears. If you do not clear the Act before the time limit
expires, you will lose a life.
● Time Limit
Some Acts contain underwater areas. You cannot stay
underwater for long, so you must resurface or find an
air bubble to breathe. A countdown will start if you hold
your breath too long. When the countdown ends, you
will lose a life.
● Breathing Underwater
Reach the Goal Marker before the time limit expires to
clear the Act. Your performance will be evaluated and
displayed on the Result Screen.
● Act Cleared
NOTE: The Pause Menu does not open with Acts which have not been
enabled for selection in the Act Select screen (p.23). In this case, you can
only pause and unpause the game.
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