1. Insert the key into the console.
16. Note: It may take a minute for the console
to be ready for use.
2. Select the main menu.
When you turn
on the power,
the main menu
should ap-
pear after the
console boots
up. Touch the
home button in
the lower-left
corner of the screen to return to the main menu at
any time.
3. Start the walking belt and adjust the speed.
Touch the Start button on the screen or press the
Start button on the console to start the walking
belt. You can also press the Manual button on the
console, and then touch the Resume button on
the screen. The walking belt will begin to move at
1 mph. As you exercise, change the speed of the
walking belt as desired by pressing the Speed in-
crease and decrease buttons. Each time you press
one of the buttons, the speed setting will change
by 0.1 mph; if you hold down the button, the speed
setting will change in increments of 0.5 mph.
If you press one of the numbered 1 Step Speed
buttons, the walking belt will gradually change
speed until it reaches the selected speed setting.
To stop the walking belt, press the Stop button. To
restart the walking belt, press the Start button.
4. Change the incline of the incline trainer as
To change the incline of the incline trainer, press
the Incline/Decline buttons or one of the numbered
1 Step Incline/Decline buttons. Each time you
press one of the buttons, the incline will gradually
change until it reaches the selected incline setting.
Note: As the incline changes, the maximum speed
of the incline trainer may change. When the incline
is from -6% to -5%, the maximum speed will be 6
mph; when the incline is from -4.5% to -3.5%, the
maximum speed will be 7 mph; when the incline
is from -3% to -2.5%, the maximum speed will be
8 mph; when the incline is from -2% to -1.5%, the
maximum speed will be 8.5 mph; when the incline
is from -1% to -0.5%, the maximum speed will be
9 mph; when the incline is from 0% to 15%, the
maximum speed will be 12 mph; when the incline
is from 15.5% to 25%, the maximum speed will be
8 mph; and when the incline is from 25.5% to 40%,
the maximum speed will be 6 mph.
Note: The first time you adjust the incline, you must
first calibrate the incline system (see step 4 on
page 24).
5. Monitor your progress.
The console
offers sev-
eral display
modes. The
display mode
that you select
will determine
which workout
information is shown. To select the desired display
mode, simply flick or slide the screen (see page
16). You can also view additional information by
touching the red boxes on the screen.
As you walk or run on the incline trainer, the
screen can show the following workout information:
• Thetimeleft(Note:Themanualmodedoesnot
have a time left countdown.)
• Theapproximatenumberofcaloriesyouare
burning per hour
• Thedistancethatyouhavewalkedorrun
• Thenumberofverticalfeetyouhaveclimbed
• Thespeedofthewalkingbelt
• Atrackrepresenting1/4mile(400m)
• Yourcurrentlapnumber
• Yourheartrate(seestep6)