HONEYWELL SV9541M "SMART VALVE" Trouble shooting
The 6 +X designation indicates a combi nation of flash codes: 6 flashes shows the control is in soft lockout, followed by X flashes to indicate
the reason the control went into soft lockout. Last status code indicates repair to address first
Line voltage input at L1 and Neutral connectors on ST9160B Fan Timer.
Off No power to system control. Low voltage (24V) power at 24 VAC and COM terminals on ST9160B
System wiring harness is in good condition and securely connected.
Heartbeat Normal indication whenever the system is powered, unless some
Not Applicable - Normal Operation (stand by or call for heat)
Bright - Dim abnormal event has occurred.
Pressure switches closed when it should be open Pressure switches stuck closed (system will wait for pressure switch to
2 Flashes (i.e. when call for heat begins), open).
(Combustion blower is not energized until pressure switches
opens) Pressure switches miswired orjumpered.
Pressure switches, open when they should be closed (i.e.longer
than 30 seconds alter combustion blower/inducer isenergized).
3 Flashes
I Flash
Systemgoes into5-minute delay period,with combustion blower/
inducer off. Atend ofthe 5-minute delay, another cycle will begin.
Main Limit or Roll Out Switch is open.
Combustion blower isenergized, Circulating blower is energized
heat speed.
Flame signal sensed out of proper sequence.
Combustion blower isenergized, Circulating blower is energized
heat speed after the "ON" delay.
Soft Lockout.
Failed to light pilot during 90 sec. trial for ignition
Combustion air blower is de-energized, Circulating blower is de-
energized after the "OFF" delay.
After 5-minute delay time, control system will reset and initiate a
new ignition sequence,
Soft Lockout.
Last failure was Flame Sense lost during run.
Maximum recycle count exceeded
Combustion air blower is de-energized, Circulating blower is
de-energized alter the "OFF" delay.
After 5-minute delay time, control system will reset and initiate a
new ignition sequence,
Ignition system control switch must be inthe ON position.
Pressure switches operation, tubing, and wiring.
Restrictions in furnace air intake or vent piping.
Main limit switch.
Manual reset burner rollout switch.
Limit and rollout switch wiring is in good condition and securely
Flame at pilot burner.
Gas supply off or pressure too low or highfor appliance to operate.
Damaged or broken HSI element
Line voltage HOT lead wire not connected to L1 terminal on ST9160B.
Furnace not properly earth grounded.
Flame sense rod contaminated or in incorrect position.
Pilot burner located in incorrect position.
Pilot burner lead wires are in good condition and popery connected.
Pressure switches operation, tubing, and wiring.
Gas supply off or pressure too low or highfor appliance to operate.
Line voltage HOT lead wire not connected to L1 terminal on ST9160B.
Furnace not properly earth grounded.
Flame sense rod contaminated or in incorrect position.
Pilot burner located in incorrect position.
Pilot burner lead wires are in good condition and properly connected.
Cycling, pressure switch
Condensate drain blocked
Pressure switches operation, tubing, and wiring.
[_ 44001102004