7. Masonry Chimney Venting
Chimney Inspection
All masonry chimney construction must conform to Standard
ANSI/NFPA 211-2003 and to any state or local codes applicable.
The chimney must be in good condition and a complete chimney
inspection must be conducted prior to furnace installation. If the in-
spection reveals damage or abnormal conditions, make neces-
sary repairs or seek expert help. See Figure 11 "The Chimney
Inspection Chart". Measure inside area of tile-liner and exact
height of chimney from the top of the chimney to the highest ap-
pliance flue collar or drafthood outlet.
Connector Type
To reduce flue gas heat loss and the chance of condensate prob-
lems, the vent connector must be double-wall Type B vent.
Venting Restrictions for Chimney Types
Interior Chimney - has no sides exposed to the outdoors below
the roofline. All installations can be single furnace or common
vented with another draft hood equipped Category ] appliance.
Exterior Chimney - has one or more sides exposed to the out-
doors below the roof line. All installations with a 99% Winter De-
sign Temperature* below 17°F must be common vented only with
a draft hood equipped Category I appliance.
* The 99% Winter Design Dry-Bulb (db) temperatures are found in the
1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, Chapter 24, Table 1 (United
States) and 2 (Canada), or use the 99.6% heating db temperatures found
in the 1997 or 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, Climatic
Design Information chapter, Table 1A (United States) and 2A
Failure to properly vent this furnace could result in
death, personal injury and/or property damage.
These furnaces are CSA (formerly AGA and CGA)
design-certified for venting into exterior clay
tile-lined masonry chimneys with a factory
accessory Chimney Adapter Kit. Refer to the
furnace rating plate for correct kit usage. The
Chimney Adapter Kits are for use with ONLY
furnaces having a Chimney Adapter Kit number
marked on the furnace rating plate.
Ira claytile-lined masonry chimney is being used and it is exposed
to the outdoors below the roof line, relining might be required.
Chimneys shall conform to the Standard for Chimneys, Fire-
places, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances ANSI/NFPA
211-2003 in the United States and to a Provincial or Territorial
Building Code in Canada (in its absence, the National Building
Code of Canada) and must be in good condition.
U.S.A.- Refer to Sections 13.1.9 or 13.2.20 of the NFGC or the au-
thority having jurisdiction todetermine whether relining isrequired.
If relining is required, use a properly sized listed metal liner,
Type-B vent, or a listed alternative venting design.
NOTE: See the NFGC, 13.1.9 and 13.2.20 regarding alternative
venting design and the exception, which cover installations such
as the Chimney Adapter Kits NAHAOOIDH and NAHAOO2DH.
The Chimney Adapter Kits are listed alternative venting designs
for these furnaces. See the kit instructions for complete details.
Canada (and U.S.A.)-This furnace is permitted to be vented into a
clay tile-lined masonry chimney that is exposed to the outdoors
below the roof line, provided:
1. Vent connector is Type-B double-wall, and
2. This furnace is common vented with at least 1 draft hood-
equipped appliance, and
3. The combined appliance input rating is less than the maxi-
mum capacity given in Table A, and
4. The input rating of each space-heating appliance is greater
than the minimum input rating given in Table B for Masonry
Chimneys for the local 99% Winter Design Temperature.
Chimneys having internal areas greater than 38 square
inches require furnace input ratings greater than the input
ratings of these furnaces. See footnote at bottom of Table B,
5. The authority having jurisdiction approves.
If all of these conditions cannot be met, an alternative venting de-
sign shall be used, such as the listed chimney adapter kit with a
furnace listed for use with the kit, a listed chimney-lining system,
or a Type-B vent.
These furnaces are CSA design-certified for use in exterior clay
tile-lined masonry chimneys with a factory accessory Chimney
Adapter Kit. Refer to the furnace rating plate for correct kit usage.
The Chimney Adapter Kits are listed alternative venting designs
and are for use with ONLY furnaces having a Chimney Adapter Kit
number marked on the furnace rating plate.
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