
8. Take the SeaLife “Great Pictures Made Easy” Photo Course Program.
SeaLife offers photography course for film and digital cameras though participating dealers worldwide. The following
courses are available:
Step One: Safe Diving While handling a camera – This course covers how to safely handle a camera, how to find
exciting sea creatures, the basics about how to take pictures and how to make lasting impressions. Available as
booklet “Great Pictures made easy. Step I” and as introductory course at your dive store.
Step two: Basic Underwater Photography skills – You will learn to take great pictures with a basic underwater camera.
Learn about underwater varying light conditions, how to use an external flash to “wake-up” intense colors and the habi-
tats of our strange and colorful sea creatures
Step Three: Advanced Underwater Photography Skills – Here we explore in detail, the magic of composing your image,
working with macro and wide angle lenses, using dual external flashes, Editing skills and tips from the pros.
Please check with your local SeaLife scuba dive dealer for more details.
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