N/ND drives
Other applicable jumper options
Several other jumper options are available as illustrated.
Remote LED
Pin 1
Pin 1
GND (cathode)
POS (anode)
(front view of J4)
Pin 2
Enable parity check of
SCSI bus (default).
Disable parity check.
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 1
Note to subsystem designers: In
Europe, a red LED indicates an error
or warning condition. For this reason,
you may want to use a color other
than red with this connection.
Parity Check option
Write protect = Off
(enables writing –
Write protect = On
(disables writing)
Write Protect option
Disable the Delay Motor
Start option (default).
Motor start delay equal
to the SCSI ID multiplied
by 10 seconds. For
example, if the SCSI
ID = 2, the drive starts
in 20 seconds.
Delay Motor Start
option (valid only if the
Motor Start jumper is
not connected)
Enable motor start. The
drive waits for the Start
Unit command from the
host before starting the
spindle motor.
Disable motor start
(default). The drive
starts according to the
Delay Motor Start option.
Motor Start option
Figure 9. Additional jumper options
Barracuda 2LP Installation Guide, Rev. E 37