JOBNAME: 972914-2012-sxb-toyw PAGE: 19 SESS: 18 OUTPUT: Thu Apr 7 13:10:18 2011
To ensure optimum performance and
maintain the quality built into your
vehicle’s emission control systems,
Scion recommends the use of Scion
Authorized Parts when servicing or
repairing the systems.
Warranty coverage is not dependent
upon the use of any particular brand
of replacement parts, and you may
elect to use non–Scion Authorized
Parts for maintenance and repairs.
However, use of replacement parts
that are not equivalent in quality to
Scion Authorized Parts may impair
the effectiveness of the emission
control systems.
If you use replacement parts that have
maintenance or replacement schedules
different from those of Scion
Authorized Parts, you must follow the
maintenance and replacement
schedules for the parts you are using.
In addition, you should ensure that
such parts are warranted by their
manufacturers to be equivalent to
Scion Authorized Parts.
If your vehicle fails an EPA-approved
emissions test, you may make a claim
under the Emission Performance
Warranty. To do so, take your vehicle to
an Authorized Servicing Dealership and
present a copy of the emissions test
report. Also, take your maintenance
records in case they are needed.
If your claim qualifies for coverage, the
dealership will repair your vehicle
within 30 days (unless a shorter period
is required by law). If your claim is
denied, Scion will notify you in writing
of the reason within the same period. If
we fail to do so, we will repair your
vehicle free of charge. The only
exceptions allowed are when you
request or agree to a delay, or when a
delay is caused by factors beyond the
control of Scion or the dealership.
For information on how to obtain
service under the Emission Defect
Warranty, see page 30, “Obtaining
Warranty Service.”
Your Warranties in Detail 19