
Installation The following table describes the procedure to install both drivers required to use the
TSX PCX 3030 cable.
Step Action
1 Connect the cable to the USB port of your device.
Result: Windows detects the new hardware and displays the assistant for installing the hardware
2 Click on Next.
Result: The following window is displayed:
What task do you wish the Assistant to carry out?
Find a pilot adapted to my peripheral (recommended)
Display a list of known pilots for this peripheral, in order to choose a specific
Next >< Previous Cancel
A peripheral pilot is a software program that enables the operation of a hardware
peripheral. Windows requires pilot files for your new peripheral. Click on Next to find
the pilot files and finish.
A peripheral pilot is a program that enables a hardware peripheral to be used by
an operating system.
The assistant will complete the installation of this peripheral:
USB Device
Installation of peripheral pilots:
Hardware Assistant detected