20 S1A10386 10/2009
PROFIBUS DP protocol
Data is exchanged according to the master-slave principle.
Only the master can initialize communication. The slaves behave like servers responding to requests from masters.
Several masters can coexist on the same bus. In this case, the slave I/O can be read by all the masters. However, a single master has write
access to the outputs. The number of data items exchanged is defined at the time of configuration.
A GSD file contains the configuration information for the Altivar 312 with PROFIBUS DP. This file is used by the PLC during the configuration
The GSD file is unique to the whole Altivar 312 range. It does not describe the drive parameters, just the communication information. This
file appears on the CD-ROM supplied with the drive.
The PROFIBUS DP card for Altivar 312 drives supports Type 5 (Byte-String 28) cyclic frames in PPO (Parameter-Process Data-Object)
Type 1 PPO cyclic frames feature 6 periodic variables that are used for 2 types of service:
• I/O exchanges (PZD)
• Aperiodic exchanges (PKW) for parameter setting, configuration and diagnostics
PKW aperiodic exchanges are included in the cyclic frames and do not require special frames. An aperiodic exchange is used to read or
write a parameter. The Altivar 312 PKW service is the same as the one for the Altivar 61/71 with the VW3 A3 307 PROFIBUS DP option.