OA Font type. Specifies the OCR-A font with dot matrix. Page 4-34
CT400 CT410
OA Font Matrix 15W x 22H 22W x 33H
OB Font type. Specifies the OCR-B font dot matrix. Page 4-34
CT400 CT410
OB Font Matrix 20 W x 24H 30W x 36H
Paa Character Pitch. Designates the number of dots between characters.
aa = Number of dots between characters (01-99)
Page 4-24
PGa.....z Printer Setting. Sets the printer default operating parameters into
EEPROM. See Section 4: Programming Reference for details.
Page 4-83
PMa Print Mode. Sets the Print Mode for the current job.
a = 0 Continuous print
1 Tear-Off
2 Cut, Backfeed after print
3 Cut, Backfeed before print
4 Cut, no backfeed
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Dispense, Backfeed after print
8 Dispense, Backfeed before print
Page 4-86
PHa Print Type. Sets the Print Type for the current job.
a = 0 Thermal transfer printing
1 Direct thermal printing
Page 4-87
P0 Pitch Offset. Sets the pitch offset to be used for the current job.
a = 0 Use Cut offset
1 Use Dispense offset
2 Use Tear-off offset
3 Continuous print.
b = + Positive offset
- Negative offset
cc = Offset value in dots (00 to 99)
Page 4-88
PR Fixed Character Spacing. Returns the printer to fixed character
spacing mode.
Page 4-23
PS Proportional Character Spacing. Places the printer in the
proportional character spacing mode. Will not work with U Font.
Page 4-26
Qaaaaaa Print Quantity. Specifies the total number of labels to print.
aaaaaa = Total number of labels to print for the job
Page 4-60
Appendix A: Command Quick Reference
SATOCT SeriesPrinters9001069A Page A-7