Thank you for purchasing the Barcode Printer, MB400i/410i.This manual
is created so that a first-time user of MB400i/MB410i can learn its basic
operations in a short time. Please read this manual carefully to make full
use of the functions of MB400i/MB410i.
Use this section to ensure you properly care for and use the MB400i/
MB410i printer. Read this section carefully before using your printer.
1. Reproduction of all or part of this manual is prohibited.
2. The content of this manual is subject to change without notice.
3. This manual was created with utmost care regarding its content. How-
ever, if you find any unclear points, errors, or omissions, please contact
the dealer from whom you purchased this printer.
For the Bluetooth or wireless LAN options
Cautions regarding radio waves
This product is certified to meet technical standards based on the Radio
Law. Therefore, no wireless license is required to use this printer.
The following actions can be punishable by law:
• Disassembly or modification of this printer
• Removing the certification label (serial label) on this printer
Use in the following locations may drastically shorten the communication
distance, or prevent communication:
• Near a microwave oven
• Locations where static electricity or radio wave interference is abun-
• Near wireless LAN equipment