Programming Manual 1. Introduction
SATO RISC Printers 11
1.6 Printing with the RS232 Port
10 E$=CHR$(27) Sets the “E$” string as an
<ESC> character.
20 OPEN “COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1; Opens the COM1 port for out-
put and sets the parameters as
9600 baud, No parity, 8 Data
bits, 1 Stop bit and instructs the
port to ignore the CTS and DSR
control signals.
30 PRINT #1,CHR$ (2); Sends an <STX> (ASCII Code
a decimal “2”) to the printer
instructing it to prepare to
receive a message.
50 PRINT #1,E$;"A"; Sends an “<ESC>A” command
code to Print Port #1 opened by
statement 20 above.
60 PRINT #1, E$;"H400",E$;"V100";E$;"XL1SATO"; Sends the data “SATO” to be
placed 400 dots horizontally
and 100 dots vertically on the
label and printed in the “XL”
autosmoothed font.
50 PRINT #1, E$;"Q1"; Instructs the printer to print a
quantity of one label.
60 PRINT #1, E$; “Z”; Tells the printer that the last
command has been sent. The
printer can now create and print
the job.
70 PRINT #1,CHR$ (3); Sends an <ETX> (ASCII Code
decimal “3”) to the printer telling
it that this is the end of the mes-