These commands set the operational parameters of the printer, like “set the print
speed to 3.”
<ESC> {Command} {Parameter} {Data}
Some commands can contain both Parameter and Data elements, such as “print a
Code 39 symbol containing the data”.
Protocol codes are the special control characters that prepare the printer to receive
instructions. For example, the <ESC> character tells the printer that a command
code will follow and the <ENQ> character asks for the printer status.
There are two pre-defined different sets of Protocol Control codes to choose from.
Each set is made up of six special characters. The Standard Protocol Control codes are
non-printable characters, and the Non-Standard Protocol Control codes are printable
characters. The Non-Standard set may be useful on host computers using protocol
converters or in an application where non-printable ASCII characters cannot be sent
from the host. This manual uses the Standard Protocol Control codes for all of the
examples. Alternately, the user may define and download a set of custom Protocol
Control Codes (see Appendix E).
The Protocol Control codes are selected by a DIP switch DSW2-7 on the front panel
(see Section 2: Printer DIP Switch Configuration, Page 2-15).
STX 02 Hex 7B Hex = { Start of Data
ETX 03 Hex 7D Hex = } End of Data
ESC 1B Hex 5E Hex = ^ Command code to follow
~ 7EHex 7EHex=~ Cuttercommand
ENQ 05 Hex 40 Hex = @ Get printer status, Bi-Com mode
CAN 18 Hex 21 Hex = ! Cancel print job, Bi-Com mode
Off-Line 40 Hex 5D Hex = ] Take printer Off-Line
It may be useful to test your printer using a BASIC program on a PC. You may also
write your actual production programs in BASIC. Whatever the reason, if you will be
working in BASIC, some of the following hints may help you get started:
1. Set the WIDTH of the output device to 255 characters to avoid automatically sending
<CR> and <LF> characters after every line. The command string should be
continuous and uninterrupted by <CR> and/or <LF> commands. The examples
given in this manual are printed on separate lines because they will not fit on one line
and do not contain any <CR> and/or <LF> characters. If these characters are
needed, they are explicitly noted by the inclusion of <CR> and <LF> notations.
Section 4. Programming Reference