• Custom (Cal) Max Power. Sets the upper level that will be tested during calibration. To
speed up calibration, set Custom (Cal) Max Power to two points higher than the Custom
Write Power that was set prior to initiating calibration.
After setting the four custom entries, initiate the calibration cycle: access the RFID Calibrate
menu and press Enter. The calibration will proceed using the first three good tags. A calibration
progress indicator will update on the display. At the end of the calibration cycle, the Tag Profiler
will update the Custom Write Power, Read Power, and Tag Position.
Custom Tag Configurator
When Custom Tag is set to Duplicate, you can manually edit all the custom entries. This allows
you to overwrite the values discovered by the calibration in case you want to experiment further.
It is generally best to accept the calibration values as is unless you are intimately familiar with the
printer and its RFID processes.
Before you leave the Custom Tag Configurator, record the result from Custom Tag Position. This
will be useful when deriving the optimum position for your tag with your converter. Tell the
converter to move the tag from the current position by the amount in Custom Tag Position. A
positive value means move toward TOF, a negative value means move away from TOF.
Auto Inlay Locate
After you have run the Tag Profiler (using Custom Run Cal or RFID Calibrate) and recorded the
Custom Tag Position (offset from optimum position), you may now set Custom Tag to Enable in
preparation to use the media with the Auto Inlay Locator.
When Custom Tag is set to Enable, the Auto Inlay Locator uses the results of the Tag Profiler
calibration cycle to automatically advance the label to the correct encoding position, encode the tag
with the correct write/read power, back-feed the label to the TOF, and proceed normally to print the
full label without interruption.