Network Camera (Wired LAN) Settings
Access Level Settings
When operating the network camera, you need to select an access level to either limit operations to
only the monitoring of live images or to allow menu settings to be changed as well.
The access level setting depends on the “Username” and “Password” that are typed in after the wired
LAN settings have been made. (p. 15)
The default access level is “Administrator” (ID3, 3333) which allows all operations to be carried out.
Change the username and password to the desired access level while referring to the table below.
Table 1
Username/password Access level
For Administrator access level All operations and settings can be carried out.
Username: ID3
Password: 3333
For Operator access level Only the following buttons can be operated.
Username: ID2
Password: 2222
For User access level Only the following buttons can be operated.
Username: ID1
Password: 1111
The transmission setting menu in the live image screen is
In order to make it easier to refer to this Instruction Manual when carrying out the various camera
operations, the usernames (_ID1_, _ID2_ and/or _ID3_) are indicated in the top-right corner of the page.
For example, if _ID3_ appears, then the operation is only available at the Administrator level.
L5AM2/XE (VCC-WB4000P) GB 2003, 6, 6
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