
OVERWRITE (Default setting: ON)
This sets what is to happen when the hard
disk recording area becomes full.
Available settings:
Resuming recording that has been halted
If OVERWRITE has been set to OFF,
recording will stop automatically when the hard
disk recording area becomes full and the DISK
FULL criteria are met.
When this happens, you can resume recording in
overwrite mode by clicking .
However, this varies from the normal situation
when OVERWRITE is set to ON in that the
data is only overwritten once, and when the
recording area becomes full again, recording will
stop once more.
SERIES REC (Default setting: OFF)
If the series recording function has been set
when more than one DVR is connected,
recording can continue onto a second or
subsequent hard disk when one hard disk
becomes full. If using series recording, use
the drop-down list box to select the timing for
recording onto a 2nd hard disk to start, and
then click [APPLY].
Available settings:
OFF: Series recording is not carried out.
1M: Approximately 1 minute before the
hard disk becomes full
2M: Approximately 2 minutes before the
hard disk becomes full
3M: Approximately 3 minutes before the
hard disk becomes full
ON: When the recording area becomes
full, recording continues automatically
with new images being recorded over
the top of already-recorded images.
(The [DISK FULL RESET] button is
forcibly locked.)
If recording continues for long periods
while OVERWRITE is set to ON, old
images will be overwritten and deleted
in the order that they were recorded.
You should regularly make copies of
any important data if necessary.
OFF: When the recording area becomes
full, recording stops automatically.
(The [DISK FULL RESET] button is
forcibly unlocked.)
Refer to the next page for details on
how to resume recording.