
LCD Monitor Display
Capture mode
1. Zoom status
2. Available number of shots
3. Storage media
[r] Internal memory
(no card)
[ ] microSD/SDHC
memory card
4. Battery condition
Full battery power
[o] Medium battery
Low battery power
No battery power
5. ISO
[:]ISO 64
[5]ISO 100
[7]ISO 200
[9]ISO 400
[0]ISO 800
[;]ISO 1600
[]ISO 3200
6. Image quality
[ ] Standard
[ ] Economy
7. White balance
[$] Incand.
[&] Fluoresc.1
[*] Fluoresc.2
[%] Daylight
[#] Cloudy
[(] Manual WB
8. Capture mode icon
[ ] Single
[T] Continuous
[U] AEB (Auto
[-] Album Shot
[.] Cont.flash
[,] Coupl.shot
9. Quick shot
10. Image size resolution
[x] 640 x 480
[ ] 1600 x1200
[ ] 2304x1728
[ ] 2816 x 2112
[ ] 3648 x 2736
11. Self-timer icon
[f] 2 sec.
[g] 10 sec.
[h] 10+2 sec.
[] Self-portrait
12. [s] Exposure
13. Flash mode
[a]Flash On
[d] Flash Off
[_] Pre-flash
[`] Slow Sync
14. Focus setting
[Q] Infinity
[ ] Multi-focus
15. Date and time
16. [ ] Histogram
17. Main focus area
18. Slow shutter warning
19. Mode icon / Scene mode
[] Auto
[ ] Video
[]Smile Detection
[ ] Panorama
[ ] Portrait Man
[ ] Portrait Lady
[ ] Landscape
[ ] Sports
[ ] Night Portrait
[ ] Night Scene
[ ] Candlelight
[] Text
[ ] Sunset
[ ] Splash Water
[]Flow Water
[ ] Natural Green
[ ] Program AE
Single touch the above icon (except for items 1 to 9, 15 to 18) to display all options. Tap your
favorite one to confirm, and the setting will be changed.