General Specifications
Video head system Dual-azimuth 4-head rotating helical scanning system:
Dual azimuth 2-head for record and standard playback
Dual azimuth 4-head for forward picture search, reverse picture search
and still mode
Audio recording In 8-, 24- and 40-hour modes (when using T-160 tape)
In 6-, 18- and 30-hour modes (when using T-120 tape)
Tape speed 11.12 mm /sec (8-hour mode)
Specified video cassette tape VHS 1/2 inch video cassette tape
Recording/playback time (SRT-8960 only) 8, 24, 40, 64, 96, 128, 160, 224, 320, 480, 640, 960 and 1280 hours (when
using T-160 tape)
6, 18, 30, 48, 72, 96, 120, 168, 240, 360, 480, 720 and 960 hours (when
using T-120 tape)
Recording/playback time (SRT-8168 only) 8, 24, 40, 64, 96, 128, 160 and 224 hours (when using T-160 tape)
6, 18, 30, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 168 hours (when using T-120 tape)
Recording/playback time (SRT-8040 only) 8, 24 and 40 hours (when using T-160 tape)
6, 18 and 30 hours (when using T-120 tape)
Fast forward/rewind time approximately 2 minutes 35 seconds (when using T-160 tape)
approximately 2 minutes (when using T-120 tape)
Television system NTSC color TV system
Recording method Luminance signal: FM recording
Chrominance signal: Down-converted direct recording
Video input 1 V(p-p), BNC, 75 Ω, unbalanced
Video output 1 V(p-p), BNC, 75 Ω, unbalanced
Horizontal resolution Black & white mode 350 line or more
Color mode 300 line or more
Input –8 dBs, RCA pin jack, 27 kΩ, unbalanced
Output –8 dBs, RCA pin jack, 600 Ω, unbalanced
Alarm (1 shot) input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 100ms or more,
Normally 5 V)
Control input Key code (pulse signal) (Normally 5 V)
Series input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 1s or more, Normally 5 V)
Ext timer (alarm reset) input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 100ms or more,
Normally 5 V)
Common 0 V (GND)
Warning output Open collector Max. 500 mA (Active Low 0 V, Normally open)
Control output Key code (pulse signal) (Normally 5 V)
Tape end output Open collector Max. 50 mA (Active Low 0 V, Normally open)
Timer output DC 5 V, 5.7kΩ, (Low output)
Switch output Pulse signal (Normally 5 V)
Remote control input 3.5 mm mini jack
RF4QR/NA (SRT-8960 GB) Tue. Mar., 05/2002