3-2 Control PCB switches and functions
CR-TRP50A-B OC (CN040)
EMG (CN044)
JP1 DISP (CN072)
(CN070) CHK (CN071)
(CN032) (CN020) T10 (CN061)
T10: 6 plug (yellow): used for remote control. (Refer to the remote control section)
(CN061) 1- start/stop input 2- COM
3- remote control prohibit/release input 4- start signal output
5- COM (+DC12v) 6- alarm signal output T10
EXCT: 2P plug (red): Can be used for demand control. When imput is present, forces the unit to operate
(CN073) with the termostat OFF.
DISP: 2P plug (white): Short-circuiting this plug allows the unit to be operated by the remote controller, even if it is not
(CN072) connected to an outdoor unit. (In this case, alarm "E04", which indicates trouble in the serial communication
between the indoor and outdoor unit, does not occur.)
CHK: 2P plug (white): Test pin. Short-circuiting this pin allows the indoor FM (H fan speed), drain pump,
(CN071) flap motor (F1 position), and electronic expansion valve full-open position to checked. However this function
turns OFF if the indoor unit protection mechanism is activated. The unit can be operated even if the remote
controller and outdoor unit are not connected. However even if the remote controller cannot is connected,
it cannot be used to operate the unit. This function can be used for short-term tests.
JP1: Jumper wire: Allows selection of the T10 terminal