The security lock function is designed to prevent
accidental stopping of recording if the STOP button is
pressed inadvertently.
Setting the Security Lock
1 Press the MENU button to display the (MAIN MENU
1) menu.
2 Press the SHIFT ] (or \) button until the (MAIN
MENU 2) menu is displayed.
3 Press the SHIFT ] (or \) button to select the “4.
SECURITY LOCK” line, then press the MENU button.
The (SECURITY LOCK) menu appears.
4 Press the DATA l (or j) and SHIFT * button, to set
the 4 digit password.
DATA l (or j) button . To select a digit
SHIFT * button . . . . . . To move to the right
If necessary, follow the steps below to set the
timer ON/OFF times, and the security lock will
only be active from the ON time to the OFF time.
5 Press the SHIFT ] button until the “TIMER” setting is
6 Press the DATA l (or j) button, to set the timer
mode while the security lock is set.
NO USE . . . . . . . . . . . . The security lock is always
USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The security lock will only
be active from the ON time
to the OFF time.
If the setting “USE” is selected, follow the steps
below to set the timer on/off times.
7 Press the SHIFT ] button.
8 Press the DATA l (or j) button to set the timer on
hour, then press the SHIFT * button.
9 Press the DATA l (or j) button to set the timer on
F Press the SHIFT ] button, then press the SHIFT *
G Follow steps 8 and 9 to set the timer off time.
H Press the MENU EXIT or MENU button to save the
settings and set the security lock on.
ø “x” is displayed on the digital display.
œ After the setting has been made, “x” will be displayed
from the security lock timer off time to the on time.
œ During the security lock timer off period, “x” will be
displayed and except for (SECURITY LOCK) menu
changes all operations can be carried out.
œ During the security lock timer on period, when a button
is pressed the (SECURITY LOCK) menu is displayed.
Except for security lock function cancel and cancel
suspension (by pressing the MENU EXIT button) no
other operation can be carried out.
œ If the PASS WORD is lost or forgotten, please consult
your dealer.
œ The REC and TIMER buttons will operate for about 5
seconds immediately after the security lock is set. After
that, all operation buttons will be disabled.
Cancel the Security Lock
1 Press any button.
” is displayed on the digital display.
The (SECURITY LOCK) menu appears.
While the security lock timer is used, between
the off time and the on time, display the
(SECURITY LOCK) menu using the
2 Press the DATA l (or j) and SHIFT * button, to
enter the 4 digit pass word.
DATA l (or j) button . To select a digit
SHIFT * button . . . . . . To move to the right
3 Press the MENU EXIT button.
The security lock is canceled and
will be
The security lock timer set times are not erased.
Setting and Canceling the Quick Method
Security Lock
1 While holding the SHIFT * button, press the
REC/PLAY SPEED j button.
ø “x”
is displayed on the digital display.
To cancel the security lock, while holding the SHIFT
* button, press the REC/PLAY SPEED l button, “x”
will be erased from the digital display.
œ It is not possible to set the security lock function and
the quick method security lock function simultaneously.
RD2QD/NA (DTL-4800 GB) Tue. Aug., 08/2000
42 English