8. Specifications
r PC Control Codes and Cable Connections
This projector provides a function to control and monitor the projector's operations by using the RS-232C serial port.
Connect a RS-232C serial cross cable to
SERIAL PORT IN on the projector and serial
port on the PC.
Launch a communication software provided
with PC and setup the communication condi-
tion as follows:
Baud rate : 38400 bps
Parity check : none
Stop bit : 1
Flow control : none
Data bit : 8
Type the command for controlling the projec-
tor and then enter the "Enter" key.
When you want to change the input to Computer 2, Type “C” “0” “6” “Enter.”
The below table shows the typical command lists for controlling the projector. Please consult your local dealer for further
information of another commands.
Functional Execution Command Table
C00 Turn the projector ON C3A Pointer RIGHT
Turn the projector OFF
(immediately OFF)
C3B Pointer LEFT
C05 Selects Computer 1 C3C Pointer UP
C06 Selects Computer 2 C3D Pointer DOWN
C07 Selects Computer 3 C3F Enter
C08 Selects Component C46 Zoom DOWN
C09 Volume UP C47 Zoom UP
C0A Volume DOWN C4A Focus DOWN
C0B Audio mute ON C4B Focus UP
C0C Audio mute OFF C5D Lens shift UP
C0D Video mute ON C5E Lens shift DOWN
C0E Video mute OFF C5F Lens shift LEFT
C0F Aspect 4:3 C60 Lens shift RIGHT
C10 Aspect 16:9 C89 Auto PC Adj.
C1C Menu ON C8E Keystone UP
C1D Menu OFF C8F Keystone DOWN
C33 Selects Video C90 Keystone RIGHT
C34 Selects S-video C91 Keystone LEFT