This Incubator is equipped with a water level sensor for the humidifying pan. The sensor is set
automatically when the humidifying pan is installed. Take care not to damage the sensor when removing
or installing the humidifying pan.
When the humidifying pan is removed (side view)
When the humidifying pan is installed (side view)
Note: Make sure that the humidifying pan is all the way to the back and that the sensor comes down
when you install the humidifying pan.
• Lift the sensor before installing the humidifying pan if the sensor is in the lower position after
• When installing the humidifying pan, make sure that the pan is set properly and that sensor comes down
into the pan. “RH PAN” will be displayed in reverse video in the status display field on LCD panel if the
sensor does not come down completely. If necessary, set the pan again in the proper location.
• The sensor detects the water level every 30 minutes and just after the outer door is closed. It takes
several seconds to detect the water level. Therefore, “RH PAN” may displayed in reverse video several
times in the status display field on LCD panel after the outer door is closed even when the humidifying pan
is full.
Foreign particles on the water surface can adhere to the water level sensor and fittings by capillary action
because the sensor is always in the water. The adhered foreign particles degrade sensor performance
and “RH PAN” may displayed in reverse video in the status display field on LCD panel even though there
is sufficient water in the humidifying pan. Be sure to wipe OFF any dirt on the water level sensor with
disinfectant alcohol whenever you change the humidifying water. When cleaning the sensor, take care
not to apply excessive force to the lead wires.