
Selecting Camera Settings
To select your camera settings:
1. From camera mode,select Options(right softkey) >
Camera Settings.
2. Select one of the following options and press :
Resolutionto select a picture’s file size (2M-1200x1600,
1.3M-960x1280,Medium-480x640,or Low-240x320).
Qualityto select the picture quality setting (Fine,Normal,or
Shutter Sound to select a shutter sound (Default,
Say“Cheese,”“Ready,or Off).
Status Bar to switch the status bar display on or off.
Using the Settings & Info Menu
The Settings & Info menu allows you to set up many of the settings of your
phone’s picture’s function.
To access the settings and info menu:
1. Select > Pictures > Settings & Info.
2. Select one of the following options and press .
Locationto select whether to include the location information.
Status Bar to select whether to display the information bar for
the pictures and videos.
Slideshow Interval to set the slideshow interval time.
Helpto view the Pictures instruction page.
Section 2I: Using the Built-in Camera 145