Setting the focus
In addition to autofocus, your digital disk camera also allows you to set the focus manually or fix
the focus to a preset distance.
Setting to manual focus
œ Set the CAMERA/PLAY switch to “CAMERA.”
œ Turn the mode selector dial to &, r, or 7 to select the desired shooting mode.
Press the FOCUS button.
œ The Manual Focus Screen appears.
œ If the Fixed Focus Screen (see page 91) appears, turn
the control dial to select “MAN. FOCUS” and press the
RETURN button.
Turn the focus ring to set the focus you desire.
œ Turn the focus ring fast to change the focus distance
drastically, and turn the focus ring slowly to change the
focus distance gradually.
œ To aid in setting the focus, the focus distance and a
focus bar appear in the monitor.
œ The focus bar is given as a guide. When the focus bar
is extended all the way to the top, the focus is set
appropriately for the measured distance.
œ When the manual focus is set, the manual focus
indicator ! appears.
Press the RETURN button.
œ This completes the manual focus setting.
œ When the manual focus is set, the focus distance
indicator appears.
To return to autofocus, select “AUTO FOCUS” at the Fixed Focus Screen and press
the RETURN button. (The manual focus indicator will disappear.)
œ The focus distance is the measured distance from the lens to the subject.
œ Depending on the subject, there are rare occasions when the focus bar may not extend all the
way to the top. In such a case, check the focus using the image in the monitor.
Focus ring
FOCUS button
Control dial
RETURN button
Manual focus indicator
Focus distance indicator
Focus bar
Manual Focus Screen