
- 7 -
3. Table of monitor signals (This is a basic table of monitor signals)
A. Reference table for waveform are listed as below.
Name TP label IC, CN Location Pin no. Description
FE TP101 IC100 25 Focus Error Signal(Analog)
TE TP102 IC100 30 Trk Error Signal(Analog)
RFN TP104 IC100 40 RF Signal(Analog)
RFP TP105 IC100 41 RF Signal(Analog)
BH TP106 IC100 42 Bottom Hold Signal(Analog)
PH TP107 IC100 44 Peak Hold Signal(Analog)
DEF TP230 IC100 46 High : When passing defection
LD1 TP122 Q1004 E DVD Laser Power Supply(Analog)
LD2 TP124 Q1005 E CD Laser Power Supply(analog)
TESI0 TP201 IC200 2 TES(Track crossing signal)
HFLBIAS TP204 IC200 28 MIRROR Slice Bias(Analog)
HFLIO TP206 IC200 44 MIRROR signal
FSEQ TP211 IC200 84
High : Sync synchronised
LO : Async
EFMOUT TP226 IC200 134 RF Digitized signal
DEFECT0 TP229 IC200 201 High : When passing defection
TOST TP246 IC200 29 Trk Offset Control(analog)
FOST TP247 IC200 30 Focus Offset Control(analog)
BOOST3T TP248 IC200 31 RF EQ Control(analog)
RFVCA TP249 IC200 32 RF Voltage Control(analog)
TBAL TP250 IC200 33 Trk Balance Control(analog)
FBAL TP251 IC200 34 Fcs Balance Control(analog)
SGC TP252 IC200 35 Signal Gain Control(anlog)
HFBUSYB TP254 IC200 50
Function Busy Low during jump,
adjustment so on.
JVAO TP257 IC200 154 Jitters value(analog)
TD TP601 IC200 38 Trk Driver out(analog)
FD TP602 IC200 39 Focus Driver out(analog)
SPD-FG TP604 IC602 24 Spindle FG signal
W TP621 ------ ------
V TP620 ------ ------ Spindle Coil Voltage
U TP611 ------ ------
H+ TP619 ------ ------
U+ TP618 ------ ------
U- TP617 ------ ------
V+ TP616 ------ ------ Spindle Hall Voltage
V- TP615 ------ ------
W+ TP614 ------ ------
W- TP513 ------ ------
H- TP612 ------ ------
SLD TP607 IC200 36 Sled Driver out(analog)
SPD TP608 IC200 37 Spindle Driver out(analog)
OPEN ------ IC601 16 TRAY control signal
CLOSE ------ IC601 15 TRAY control signal
OPEN-SW TP627 CN600 5 TRAY Limit SW
CLOSE-SW TP626 CN600 3 TRAY Limit SW
HRST TP700 CN500 2 RESET from Backend
RESET ------ IC502 6 RESET to Micom
VREF ------ IC100 27, 79 Reference Voltage(2.5V)