Recording speed tables
These recording speed tables show the recording times for various picture quality and frame/field settings when recording in the normal
recording area of the hard disk (80 GB). They do not include audio recording settings.
The setting times for the normal recording area and the alarm recording area represent the picture quality values given in the recording speed
tables, multiplied by the percentages for the normal recording area and alarm recording area that have been set using the recording area setting
menu commands.
When recording with an 80-GB hard disk at 100% capacity
Field recording
Cycle (SEC)
15 kB 22 kB 30 kB 42 kB 56 kB
50.00 0.02 25H 18H 13H 9H 7H
25.00 0.04 51H 36H 27H 19H 14H
16.67 0.06 76H 54H 40H 29H 22H
12.50 0.08 102H 72H 54H 39H 29H
8.33 0.12 153H 108H 81H 59H 44H
6.25 0.16 204H 144H 108H 78H 59H
5.00 0.20 255H 180H 135H 98H 74H
4.17 0.24 306H 217H 162H 118H 89H
3.57 0.28 357H 253H 189H 138H 104H
3.13 0.32 408H 289H 217H 157H 119H
2.78 0.36 459H 325H 244H 177H 134H
2.50 0.40 510H 361H 271H 197H 149H
2.27 0.44 561H 397H 298H 217H 164H
1.92 0.52 663H 470H 352H 256H 194H
1.67 0.60 765H 542H 406H 295H 224H
1.47 0.68 868H 614H 461H 335H 254H
1.32 0.76 970H 687H 515H 374H 284H
1.19 0.84 1072H 759H 569H 414H 314H
1.09 0.92 1174H 831H 623H 453H 344H
1.00 1 1276H 904H 678H 493H 374H
0.50 2 2553H 1808H 1356H 986H 748H
0.33 3 3829H 2712H 2034H 1479H 1122H
0.25 4 5106H 3616H 2712H 1972H 1496H
0.20 5 6382H 4521H 3390H 2466H 1870H
0.10 10 12765H 9042H 6781H 4932H 3741H
0.05 20 25531H 18084H 13563H 9864H 7483H
0.03 30 38296H 27126H 20345H 14796H 11224H
Frame recording
Cycle (SEC)
15 kB 22 kB 30 kB 42 kB 56 kB
25.00 0.04 25H 18H 13H 9H 7H
12.50 0.08 51H 36H 27H 19H 14H
8.33 0.12 76H 54H 40H 29H 22H
6.25 0.16 102H 72H 54H 39H 29H
4.17 0.24 153H 108H 81H 59H 44H
3.13 0.32 204H 144H 108H 78H 59H
2.50 0.40 255H 180H 135H 98H 74H
2.08 0.48 306H 217H 162H 118H 89H
1.79 0.56 357H 253H 189H 138H 104H
1.56 0.64 408H 289H 217H 157H 119H
1.39 0.72 459H 325H 244H 177H 134H
1.25 0.80 510H 361H 271H 197H 149H
1.14 0.88 561H 397H 298H 217H 164H
0.96 1.04 663H 470H 352H 256H 194H
0.83 1.20 765H 542H 406H 295H 224H
0.74 1.36 868H 614H 461H 335H 254H
0.66 1.52 970H 687H 515H 374H 284H
0.60 1.68 1072H 759H 569H 414H 314H
0.54 1.84 1174H 831H 623H 453H 344H
0.50 2 1276H 904H 678H 493H 374H
0.25 4 2553H 1808H 1356H 986H 748H
0.17 6 3829H 2712H 2034H 1479H 1122H
0.13 8 5106H 3616H 2712H 1972H 1496H
0.10 10 6382H 4521H 3390H 2466H 1870H
0.05 20 12765H 9042H 6781H 4932H 3741H
0.03 40 25531H 18084H 13563H 9864H 7483H
0.02 60 38296H 27126H 20345H 14796H 11224H
The tables below are recording speed tables provided for reference if the total capacity of the hard disk has been increased to 160 GB. Contact
the place of purchase for details on increasing the capacity of the hard disk.
When recording with a 160-GB hard disk at 100% capacity
Field recording
Cycle (SEC)
15 kB 22 kB 30 kB 42 kB 56 kB
50.00 0.02 51H 36H 27H 19H 14H
25.00 0.04 102H 72H 54H 39H 29H
16.67 0.06 153H 108H 81H 59H 44H
12.50 0.08 204H 144H 108H 78H 59H
8.33 0.12 306H 217H 162H 118H 89H
6.25 0.16 408H 289H 217H 157H 119H
5.00 0.20 510H 361H 271H 197H 149H
4.17 0.24 612H 434H 325H 236H 179H
3.57 0.28 714H 506H 379H 276H 209H
3.13 0.32 816H 578H 434H 315H 239H
2.78 0.36 919H 651H 488H 355H 269H
2.50 0.40 1021H 723H 542H 394H 299H
2.27 0.44 1123H 795H 596H 434H 329H
1.92 0.52 1327H 940H 705H 512H 389H
1.67 0.60 1531H 1085H 813H 591H 448H
1.47 0.68 1736H 1229H 922H 670H 508H
1.32 0.76 1940H 1374H 1030H 749H 568H
1.19 0.84 2144H 1519H 1139H 828H 628H
1.09 0.92 2348H 1663H 1247H 907H 688H
1.00 1 2553H 1808H 1356H 986H 748H
0.50 2 5106H 3616H 2712H 1972H 1496H
0.33 3 7659H 5425H 4069H 2959H 2244H
0.25 4 10212H 7233H 5425H 3945H 2993H
0.20 5 12765H 9042H 6781H 4932H 3741H
0.10 10 25531H 18084H 13563H 9864H 7483H
0.05 20 51062H 36168H 27126H 19728H 14966H
0.03 30 76593H 54253H 40690H 29592H 22449H
Frame recording
Cycle (SEC)
15 kB 22 kB 30 kB 42 kB 56 kB
25.00 0.04 51H 36H 27H 19H 14H
12.50 0.08 102H 72H 54H 39H 29H
8.33 0.12 153H 108H 81H 59H 44H
6.25 0.16 204H 144H 108H 78H 59H
4.17 0.24 306H 217H 162H 118H 89H
3.13 0.32 408H 289H 217H 157H 119H
2.50 0.40 510H 361H 271H 197H 149H
2.08 0.48 612H 434H 325H 236H 179H
1.79 0.56 714H 506H 379H 276H 209H
1.56 0.64 816H 578H 434H 315H 239H
1.39 0.72 919H 651H 488H 355H 269H
1.25 0.80 1021H 723H 542H 394H 299H
1.14 0.88 1123H 795H 596H 434H 329H
0.96 1.04 1327H 940H 705H 512H 389H
0.83 1.20 1531H 1085H 813H 591H 448H
0.74 1.36 1736H 1229H 922H 670H 508H
0.66 1.52 1940H 1374H 1030H 749H 568H
0.60 1.68 2144H 1519H 1139H 828H 628H
0.54 1.84 2348H 1663H 1247H 907H 688H
0.50 2 2553H 1808H 1356H 986H 748H
0.25 4 5106H 3616H 2712H 1972H 1496H
0.17 6 7659H 5425H 4069H 2959H 2244H
0.13 8 10212H 7233H 5425H 3945H 2993H
0.10 10 12765H 9042H 6781H 4932H 3741H
0.05 20 25531H 18084H 13563H 9864H 7483H
0.03 40 51062H 36168H 27126H 19728H 14966H
0.02 60 76593H 54253H 40690H 29592H 22449H
Reference: 24H = 1 day, 168H = 1 week, 720H = 1 month, 8760H = 1 year