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Trouble Diagnosis
4. W-2WAY ECO-i Alarm Codes
P16 Alarm
Alarm code P16
Alarm meaning Compressor 1 (INV) overcurrent alarm
Alarm conditions This alarm occurs when current trouble or current detection trouble occur at an inverter frequency
of less than 80 Hz after start (when trouble judgment current is detected in the primary or
secondary current, or when an instantaneous secondary current of 13.5 A or higher is detected.
Probable cause There is a strong possibility of a compressor failure.
An alarm occurs for current detection trouble when it is judged that no current is flowing after
start (DCCT is damaged). In this case, the cause is a DCCT failure.
Check Check the power wiring and connector wiring.
Correction It is possible to resolve this trouble by limiting the maximum frequency.
Example —
Notes —
P22 Alarm
Alarm code P22
Alarm meaning Fan motor trouble
Alarm conditions Fan motor start failure, fan motor Hall IC input failure
Probable cause Possible causes are a Hall IC input circuit failure and a fan HIC failure.
Check Check the fan motor wiring, the Hall IC wiring, and the connector connections. If the wiring and
connectors are normal, then check that the capacitor of the Hall IC input circuit is securely
soldered on the outdoor unit control PCB. Also use a tester and measure the resistance between
fan HIC power (HIC+) and ground (HIC–). If there is a short circuit, there is an HIC malfunction.
Correction If the fan does not start, the below corrections may be effective.
(1) If there is a fan HIC failure or circuit failure, replace the PCB.
(2) If the fan motor is locked, replace the fan motor.
Example —
Notes Turn OFF the power, and check the continuity of “+” and “–” on the fan circuit PCB.
Fan circuit on the outdoor unit control PCB