SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
Some parameters are defined as a group of bits. A word which is defined as a set of bits is transmitted with
the indicated bits on the respective data bus bit (e.g., bit 15 appears on DD15).
Some parameters are defined as a sixteen-bit value. A word which is defined as a sixteen bit value places the
most significant bit of the value on bit DD15 and the least significant bit on bit DD0.
Some parameters are defined as a 32-bit value (e.g., words 57 and 58). Such fields are transferred using two
word transfers. The device first transfers the least significant bits, bits 15 through 0 of the value, on bits
DD15 through DD0 respectively. After the least significant bits have been transferred, the most significant
bits, bits 31 through 16 of the value, are transferred on DD15 through DD0 respectively.
Some parameters are defined as a string of ASCII characters. For the string “Copyright,” the character ‘C’ is
the first byte, ‘0’ is the 2nd byte, etc. When such fields are transferred, the order of transmission is:
• 1st character (‘C’) is on bits DD15 through DD8 of the first word
• 2nd character (‘o’) is on bits DD7 through DD0 of the first word
• 3rd character (‘p’) is on bits DD15 through DD8 of the second word
• 4th character (‘y’) is on bits DD7 through DD0 of the second word, etc.
Table 6-6 IDENTIFY DEVICE information
Word Content Description
General configuration bit-significant information:
15 0=ATA device, set to 0
14-8 Retired
7 1=removable media device, set to 0
6 1=not removable controller and/or device, set to 1
5-3 Retired
2 Reserved
1 Retired
0 045Ah
0 Reserved
1 XXXXh Number of logical cylinders
2 0 Reserved
3 00XXh Number of logical heads
4-5 0 Retired
6 003Fh Number of logical sectors per logical track
7-9 0 Retired
10-19 XXXX Serial number (20 ASCII characters, 0 = not specified)
20 0003h Controller type(0003h): Dual ported, multiple sector buffer with look-ahead cache
21 03B0h Buffer size in 512-byte increments (3B0h => 944 => 472KB)
22 0004h Number of ECC bytes (Device Native length is selected via set feature command.)
23-26 XXXX Firmware revision (8 ASCII characters)
27-46 XXXX Model number (40 ASCII characters)
15-8 80h
47 8010h
7-0 Maximum number of sectors that shall be transferred per interrupt on READ/WRITE
MULTIPLE commands
48 0000h Reserved