
SETTING UP THE S curve 231
7. Press the front panel Power switch to turn on the S curve 231. Press the Equalizer switches in to
activate the equalizer. Note that audio signal will be muted for approximately five seconds until the
relay power-on circuitry is activated (at which time you’ll hear a click and the audio signal will be unmut-
8. Apply an input signal to the S curve 231 (if sending signal from a mixer output bus, drive the mixer’s
output meters at approximately 0 VU). While the input signal is present, slowly raise the front panel
main level slider to it’s center detented “0” point. For best signal-to-noise ratio, the main level slider
should be at or near the “0” point during normal operation. However, if the input signal is weak, use the
main level slider to slightly boost the volume (to a maximum of 6 dB). Conversely, if the signal causes
the front panel +18 LEDs to light, use the main level slider to attenuate volume as necessary. In nor-
mal operation, the +18 LED should not light at all; if they do, use the main level slider to lower the vol-
ume of the output signal so that it does not light at all (clipping not only sounds awful, it can also dam-
age speakers!).
9. Experiment by moving each of the Equalizer sliders up and down, carefully listening to the audible
result on the audio signal. Bear in mind that the very lowest and highest frequency areas may have lit-
tle or no effect on some signals. If there is significant low frequency noise (rumble) in the signal,
engage the Low Cut switch. Starting with the Low Cut frequency control fully counter-clockwise, adjust
the control so that the rumble is eliminated but the bass content of the signal still remains. Some exper-
imenting with this control may be necessary to acheive a satisfying result. As you work with the various
front panel controls, press the front panel Equalizer switch in and out from time to time in order to com-
pare the effect of the equalization curve you are creating with the original input signal.
10. Once you’ve created the frequency curve required for your particular application (see the “About
Equalization” section on the following pages for more information), an optional locking security cover
(available from your local Samson dealer) can be placed over the front panel to make sure that your
settings are not inadvertently altered.
If you have followed all the steps above and are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of setting up
or using your S curve 231, you can call Samson Technical Support (1-800-372-6766) between 9 AM
and 5 PM EST, or contact your local distributor.