Sabine Wireless: Application and Troubleshooting Guide 6 of 12
is another 2.4 GHz source in the room, clumping the channels reduces the chances of
an overlap.
2.6. Many hotels, i.e., Hilton & Hampton Inn are now providing WLAN throughout their
facilities so that customers can log on to the internet from anywhere in the hotel.
These LANs, at least in the US, are restricted above our channel 10 and below our
channel 53. This is just one more reason that our customers should clump the
channels together at channels 70, 69, 68... on down to 54 and from Channels 1,
2,.3, up to 9.
2.7. Some Crestron system controllers with RF interfaces are set at the factory to spread
signal throughout the entire 2.4GHz band. Not only will this interfere with the
SWM7000, it will interfere with your LAN, Bluetooth, etc devices. Crestron gives
instructions explaining how the reconfigure their controller so that it only uses 1/7 of the
spectrum (www.crestron.com
). This leaves plenty of room for your SWM7000 system
and Crestron to work together without interference. Many other spread-spectrum
devices also allow you to reconfigure their transmission bands.
2.8. Procedure for Shifting the RF band: Sometimes it is difficult to determine if a wireless
microphone is experiencing 2.4GHz interference or if there is some other problem. We
have added a feature that allows a technician to temporarily shift the frequency of the
system partially out of the standard 2.4GHz band. If the interference goes away after
shifting, then you are experiencing interference with your wireless LAN or other 2.4GHz
equipment. If the interference does not go away, then the problem may be with cell-
phone interference or the system may require servicing. In general, down-shifting
works better than up-shifting.
Shifting Transmitters
(Requires handheld firmware version 2.08 or higher, or beltpack firmware version 1.27 or
• To change the frequency groups, open the transmitter door and hold down the
UP button while powering on the transmitter. Let go of the UP button after four
seconds and use the UP or DOWN buttons to scroll through the three choices
shown below in “Display in Setup.” These vary depending on your transmitter, as
shown. Allow the unit to finish powering up and it will be set for your selected
band. To confirm each one you should see the values shown in “Display in Use”
on the transmitter LCD:
SW75-T SW70-H and SW70-T
Display in Setup Display in Use
Display in
Setup Display in Use
Channel number shown with
"L" to the left
Channel number is right
justified with small minus sign to the left
STANDARD F Channel number is shown F1 Channel number is left justified
Channel number shown with
"H" to the left
F2 Channel number is right justified