Signature Technologies 103
Saab Real Life Safety
“My beautiful 9-3 Convertible was
totaled and I got out with only a scratch
on my thumb. The car’s engineering,
the seat belt, and the reinforced roof
saved my life.” -- Marsha Metzger, North
Caldwell, NJ
”I was in a head-on collision with my
Saab, I opened the door and walked
out. I love and appreciate my new Saab
as much as my last.” -- Bill Berg,
Atlanta, GA
These customers know first-hand about Saab
Real Life Safety. They may not know about the
Saab accident investigation research team that
has studied over 6,000 cases in which a Saab
car has been involved in an accident since 1969.
But they experienced everything the accident
investigation and research team has learned,
because that knowledge goes directly into the
design and development of every Saab. That’s
why Saab’s Real Life Safety is such an integral
part of our Safety Brand Pillar — and why
automobile consumers know that Saab builds
safe cars.
Saab engineers have set the standard when it
comes to safety. OnStar helps take that
standard to another level. Having OnStar on
board is like driving with a personal assistant
ready to summon help at a moment’s notice.
That help can be a lifesaver.
OnStar Information
Automatic Emergency Response - If one of your
customers is involved in a traffic accident that is
severe enough to set off the airbags, the OnStar
system will automatically connect the driver with
an OnStar Advisor. Also, exclusively in Saab
models equipped with OnStar, if the automatic
front seat belt pretensioners are activated, the
OnStar system will automatically connect the
driver with an OnStar Advisor.
Emergency Button - Pressing the “red cross”
button on the OnStar keypad makes a call that is
given top priority at one of OnStar’s three call
centers. The following letter and newspaper
excerpt demonstrate how valuable the
emergency button can be.
Louise Srofe, from Palm Harbor, Florida, credits
OnStar with saving her life.
“On December 26, 2000, while driving
in Clearwater, Florida, I suffered a
stroke (I’m only 48 years old). I had a
cell phone with me but was rapidly
losing the vision in my eye and was
becoming paralyzed on the right side. I
didn’t think I had the where-with-all to
even call 911. I was able to pull into a
grocery store parking lot and pressed
the “Medic” [Emergency] button on
OnStar. A young lady came on and
asked if I had a medical emergency. It
seemed it was all I could do just to say
“yes”. She dialed 911 and stay on the
line with me, talking to me. It was only
minutes before I heard the sirens.
From OnStar they knew who I was,
where I was, what kind of vehicle I was
in. OnStar saved my life.
I wanted to write and tell you there is
absolutely no doubt that OnStar saved
my life. No doubt. None. I know it, my
family knows it, my friends know it. I
tell everyone I know about what
happened to me because I know how
valuable OnStar is… I know there are
other benefits to OnStar. But, please
tell people OnStar saves lives. I’m
living proof of that.”
Here is an excerpt from the August 22, 2001
edition of the Detroit Free Press that credits
OnStar with saving another life.
OnStar saves GM official’s wife
Woman one of many boosting new
Don Trabolsy, a General Motors Corp.
business manager, never thought he’d
be telling a harrowing first-person tale
about his company’s OnStar vehicle
communications system…
Trabolsy, who works for GM’s
preproduction operations division in
Pontiac, is one of hundreds of people
around the country who [OnStar
President] Huber says have become
unexpected boosters through real life
experience. Trabolsy says the
technology saved his wife’s life last
month when he took his OnStar-
equipped Buick to a weekend getaway
at a friend’s northern Michigan
cottage. His wife, Brenda, suffered a