17English16 RR-969
Multi-language Mode
To switch from the first page of labels to the second page,
press the recessed LANG–PAGE 1/2 button with the
tip of a ballpoint pen. Press the button again to toggle
back to the first page. The new selection, either “PAGE
1” or “PAGE 2” appears briefly in the display.
Button Labels
To change the label for a button:
1. Press a DEVICE button to select the command set
for which you wish to change the labels. For example,
press TUNER to change the labels that appear when
a button in the TUNER command set is pressed.
2. Press the EDIT button . The prompt “EDIT?” ap-
pears in the display.
3. Press the DEVICE or COMMAND button you wish
to relabel. The current label appears in the display
with the first letter flashing.
4. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to change the flashing
letter, stepping through the list of characters. Press
the “X” button on the numeric keypad to insert a
blank space in the label.
5. Press the – or + button to move to the next charac-
ter in the label.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to complete the new label,
which is self-centering in the display.
7. To label another button, press another DEVICE or
COMMAND button and repeat the above steps. The
RR-969 saves the new labels and returns to normal
mode if no buttons are pressed for 15 seconds. Press
the EDIT button to return manually.
: Different labels can be memorized for a single
command button under each of the 10 command sets.
Relabeling only changes the command button label
for the DEVICE bank that is active when the labeling is
3. If necessary, press the – key until the “TRX” is flash-
ing and press the ENT button to confirm. The TRANS-
MITTER and indicators along with the word “SEND-
ING” appear in the display confirming that data is
being sent. It takes 10 minutes to send all of the data.
4. When the data has been completely transferred, the
“OK” confirmation appears in the display and the
remote returns to normal operating mode.
: Cancel the clone function by pressing the
/CLONE button again.
Once the transfer has started, the following
information appears in the display of the
receiving RR-969:
1. The LOADING indicator appears during the actual
data transfer, which takes ten minutes.
2. If the data transfer is successful, the “OK” prompt
appears and the unit returns to normal mode.
3. If corrupted data is received, the CLONE REPT in-
dicator advises you to repeat the procedure.
4. If no data is received for 60 seconds in receive mode,
“NO DATA” appears in the LCD and the unit reverts
to normal operating mode.
: Do not attempt to use the CLONE function to
transfer data from any remote other than another Rotel
Reset Button
Should the RR-969 stop functioning , press the RESET
button with the tip of a ballpoint pen. The clock settings
will be lost, but all learned commands will be retained.
Custom Labels
Whenever you press a button on the RR-969, its name
appears in the display. By default, the labels match the
printed labels for each button. You can change the la-
bels that appear when a button is pressed – to change
the language or to customize the labels to match your
specific components.
There are two complete sets (“pages”) of labels stored
in the RR-969. You can switch between the two. We rec-
ommend that you not change the first page of labels.
Use the second page to enter custom labels. This al-
lows you to return to the default labels at any time.