2.4GHz Wireless Lite-N PCI-E Adapter RNX-N150PCe User Manual
If you can find the wireless access point or wireless device you want to connect
by doing this, try to move closer to the place where the wireless access point or
wireless device is located.
4. I cannot establish connection with a certain wireless access point
1. Click ‘Add to Profile’ for few more times.
2. If the SSID of access point you wish to connect is hidden (nothing displayed in
3. ‘SSID’ field in ‘Site Survey’ function), you have to input correct SSID of the access
point you wish to connect. Please contact the owner of access point to ask for
correct SSID.
4. You have to input correct passphrase / security key to connect an access point
with encryption. Please contact the owner of access point to ask for correct
passphrase / security key.
5. The access point you wish to connect only allows network cards with specific
MAC address to establish connection. Please go to ‘Status’ menu and write the
value of ‘MAC Address’ down, then present this value to the owner of access
point so he / she can add the MAC address of your network card to his / her
access point’s list.
5. The network is slow / having problem when transferring large files
1. Move closer to the place where access point is located.
2. There could be too much people using the same radio channel. Ask the owner of
the access point to change the channel number.
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