Wireless Adapter RNX-G300EX/LX User Manual
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Figure 2-4 shows Advance function of RaUI.
Figure 2-4 Advance function
A. Wireless mode : Select wireless mode. 802.11 B only, 802.11 A only, 802.11 B/G mix,
802.11 B/G/N mix, 802.11 A/B/G mix, and 802.11 A/B/G/N mix modes are supported.
(802.11 A/B/G mix selection item only exists for A/B/G adapter ; 802.11 B/G/N mix selection item only exists for B/G/N
adapter ; 802.11 A/B/G/N mix selection item only exists for
A/B/G/N adapter)
B. Wireless Protection : User can choose from Auto, On, and Off.
(only 802.11n adapter don't support.)
B-1. Auto : STA will dynamically change as AP announcement.
B-2. On : Always send frame with protection.
B-3. Off : Always send frame without protection.
C. TX Rate : Manually force the Transmit using selected rate. Default is auto.
(802.11n wireless card don't support TX Rate now)
D. Enable TX Burst : Ralink's proprietary frame burst mode.
E. Enable TCP Window Size : Enhance throughput.
F. Fast Roaming at : fast to roaming, setup by transmit power.
G. Select Your Country Region Code : eight countries to choose. Country channel list : Country channel list. (11A ListBox
only shows for A/B/G adapter.)
H. Show Authentication Status Dialog : When you connect AP with authentication, choose whether show "Authentication
Status Dialog" or not. Authentication Status Dialog display the process about 802.1x authentication.
I. Enable CCX (Cisco Compatible eXtensions) : support Cisco Compatible Extensions function.
I-1. LEAP turn on CCKM.
I-2. Enable Radio Measurement : can channel measurement every 0~2000 milliseconds.
J. Apply the above changes.