1 ports Parallel PCI Adapter RC302 User Manual
5. at the “Browse” option, select
“OK” button
6. The “Update Device Driver Wizard” will
appear, informing you that it has found
the “NetMos PCI I/O Card” driver. Click
the “Next” button.
7. Follow the instructions to finish up the
drive installation.
8. Once Windows 9x has restarted, you
can now connect your external devices
to the PCI I/O card install the driver for
the external devices, please refer to the
external device user manual.
Windows NT 4.0
Using the existing hard disk controller in your system, you need to install the ATA/100 driver into Windows NT first.
Without ATA/100 driver support, hard drive attached to the ATA/100 IDE controller card can not boot up Windows NT.
Installing drivers with existing Windows NT 4.0:
Make sure Windows NT 4.0 is properly installed into your system first.
Step 1: Start Windows NT 4.0.
Step 2: Insert Driver CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Step 3: Select “Run” option in Windows NT.
Step 4: At the “Run” option, click on the “Browse” button.
Step 5: At the Browse for Folder window:
1. Select “CD-ROM Drive (D)”
2. Select NetMosMultiIODrivers.exe