Chapter 5 Settings for the Entire HPD-15
More Detailed Settings for the External Pads / Kick Trigger Unit
When you are using pads made by other manufacturers, try adjusting the following parameters.
1 – 16
Trig Sens
Adjusting the Sensitivity
Setting Minimum Levels
Setting Rim Sensitivity
Cancelling Incorrect Triggering
Preventing Double Triggering
Preventing Vibrations from Other Pads
Rim Sens
Retrig Cancel
Mask Time
X-Talk Rate
0 – 64ms
1 – 16
Once a pad has been hit, any additional trigger signals occuring within
the specified Mask Time will be ignored.
When two pads are mounted on the same stand, the vibration produced
by hitting one pad may trigger the sound from another pad unintentionally
(This is called crosstalk.) Increasing this value will prevent such problems.
When using a pad that can be used rim shots, you can adjust the sensitivity of
the rim. Increasing this value will raise the sensitivity of the rim. With a setting
of "OFF," omly the head will sound.
Increasing this value will eliminate multiple soundings from single strike.
Increasing this value will raise the sensitivity and produce the larger sound
even if the striking force is the same.
A trigger signal to be transmitted only when the pad is struck harder than a
specified force. This allows you to prevent the pad from picking up extraneous
vibrations from neighboring pads. If the striking force is less than the threshold,
the pad will not sound.
OFF, 20 – 80%
OFF, 1 – 15
1 – 16
Curve Selecting How Striking Force Will Affect the Volume
(see figure on p. 37)
Linear, Exp1,
Exp2, Log1,
Log2, Spline,
Loud1, Loud2
Adjusts this curve until the response feels as natural as possible.
Adjusting the Trigger Signal Detection Time
Scan Time
1 – 3ms
By adjusting the amount of time between the striking of the pad and detection
of that strike, you can achieve the correct detection of striking force if your pad
have rather long attack times.
* If this value is too high, then when two pads are struck simultaneously, the sound
from the pad that is struck more weakly may be omitted.
* In some cases, you can prevent crosstalk between two pads you have connected by
increasing the distance between the pads.
* Increasing the value excessively may cause the rim instrument to sound as well
when the head is struck.
* Increasing this value will lose certain notes if you play very fast. Set this time
as short as possible.
* If this value is extremely high, individual notes may drop out more readily
when you strike repeatedly or play rolls, so set the value as low as possible.
* To maximize the speed at which sounds are triggered, set this time as short as possible.
* To have the unit sound even when struck lightly, set the threshold as low as possible.
Parameter ValueCategory
Loud1, Loud2: Variation in striking force will produce little change, and a constant
volume will be maintained. When using drum triggers, these settings
help maintain stable levels.
Spline: Variation in striking force will produce extreme change.
Log1, Log2: Compared to Linear, a wider volume change will occur for softer hits.
Exp1, Exp2: Compared to Linear, a wider volume change will occur for stronger hits.
Linear: This is the normal setting and most natural correspondence
between velocity and volume change when using the