Managing Projects and Folders
List of nder operations
Project operations
Icon Function Procedure
SELECT Selects the project and moves to the main screen. p. 69
COPY Copies the project. p. 69
MOVE Moves the project. p. 70
DELETE Deletes the project. p. 70
RENAME Renames the project. p. 71
EDIT Divide or combine a project, or trim unwanted regions. p. 72
INFO Shows information about the project. Alternatively, protects the project name. p. 75
REC MEMO Add a voice memo to the project. p. 76
CONV MP3 Converts a WAV le into MP3. p. 77
Repairs the project.
* This menu item is shown only if the R-26 has detected a damaged project.
p. 77
Folder operations
Icon Function Procedure
SELECT Selects the folder and moves to the main screen. p. 69
DELETE Deletes the folder. p. 70
RENAME Renames the folder. p. 71
INFO Shows information about the folder. p. 75