16 ControlLogix SERCOS interface Module
1756-IN572G-EN-P - May 2005
Number of Drives 1756-M03SE Up To 3 SERCOS interface drives
1756-M08SE Up to 8 SERCOS interface drives
1756-M16SE Up to 16 SERCOS interface drives
1756-M08SEG Up to 8 SERCOS interface drives. You
must use drives that are Extended Pack
Profile compliant.
SERCOS interface
Data Rate
1756-M03SE 4 Mbits or 8 Mbits per second
1756-M08SE 4 Mbits or 8 Mbits per second
1756-M16SE 4 Mbits or 8 Mbits per second
1756-M08SEG 4 Mbits per second
SERCOS interface
Cycle Time
Important: Only Kinetix 6000 drives let you use a 0.5 ms cycle time.
Data rate Number of drives Cycle time
4 Mb up to 2 0.5 ms
up to 4 1 ms
up to 8 2 ms
You can’t use more than 8 drives at a 4 Mb
data rate.
8 Mb up to 4 0.5 ms
up to 8 1 ms
up to 16 2 ms
Plastic Fiber Optic
Transmission Range 1-32 meters
Core Diameter 980μm ± 60μm
Cladding Diameter 1000μm ± 60μm
Cable Attenuation 140 dB/km @ 650nm
Operating Temperature -55 to 85° C
Connector F-SMA standard screw-type connector
Bend Radius 2.5 cm
Description Value