12. Look at where each long line crosses the set of index lines.
13. Enter the decimal index value where the long line crosses the index line in the Horizontal and
Vertical group. Enter negative numbers with a negative character (-). Each line has a value of
0.5 units. The Horizontal value from above would be about –1.2.
14. Select the Save Settings button.
15. To verify that the new values corrected the offset, place a new disc on the printer tray.
16. Select the Print Test Pattern button.
17. When prompted, press the Disc button to close the printer tray.
18. When it has finished printing, rotate the disc 180 degrees. Align the Position Lines on the
outer edges of the disc to the printer’s tray bracket.
19. Select the Print Test Pattern button.
20. When prompted, press the Disc button to close the printer tray.
21. After it completed printing the final pattern, remove the disc and check if the long lines cross
the 0 index line.
22. If the long lines do not cross the zero index line in the vertical and horizontal groups, make
final corrections and try again.
23. Select the Close button.
24. Select the Disc button to close the printer tray.
25. Close the Printing Preference window.