■DC0x Value and DCDC1 Step-up Clock Signal Waveform Example
DCDC1 performs charge operation and boost operation with the step-up clock generated from the timing generator.
The DCDC1 step-up clock frequency is adjusted by setting the division ratio of the reference clock frequency with DC0x register.
(To prevent flickering, the DCDC1 step-up clock signal is synchronized with the reference point of display operation in unit of lines.)
Note: Set DC0x and RTNx so that (DCDC1 step-up clock frequency) ≧ (line clock frequency)
If the above restriction is not followed, the duty cycle during the boost period is less than 50%. As a result, the step-up circuit may not operate normally.
Example) DIVn=2'h0, RTN=5'h19 (reference clock period = 1/1 of internal operation clock, 1H period = 25 clocks)
Reference point Reference point
Reference clock
Reference clock counter
a) DC0x=3'h4
(1/8 of reference clock frequency)
DCDC1 step-up clock
b) DC0x=3'h5
(1/16 of reference clock frequency)
DCDC1 step-up clock
c) DC0x=3'h6
(1/32 of reference clock frequency)
DCDC1 step-up clock
■DC1x Value and DCDC2 Step-up Clock Signal Waveform Example
DCDC2 performs charge operation and boost operation with the step-up clock generated from the timing generator.
The DCDC2 step-up clock frequency is adjusted by setting the division ratio of the reference clock frequency with DC1x register.
(To prevent flicker, the DCDC2 step-up clock signal is synchronized with the head of BP period in unit of lines.)
Example) BP=FP=8'h08, NL=7'h6B (front porch = back porch 8 lines, the number of lines to drive the LCD = 432 lines)
Reference Reference Reference ReferenceReference ReferenceReference ReferenceReference ReferenceReference ReferenceReference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference
point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point point
Reference clock
Line clock
Counter for the number of lines
Front Porch Back Porch Display Area
a) DC1x=3'h2
(1/4 of line clock frequency)
DCDC2 step-up clock
b) DC1x=3'h3
(1/8 of line clock frequency)
DCDC2 step-up clock
c) DC0x=3'h4
(1/16 of line clock frequency)
DCDC2 step-up clock
5'h085'h05 5'h06 5'h075'h01 5'h02 5'h03 5'h04
'h017 'h018 'h019'h1BE 'h013 'h014 'h015 'h016'h00F 'h010 'h011 'h012'h00B 'h00C 'h00D 'h00E'h007 'h008 'h009 'h00A'h003 'h004 'h005 'h006'h1BF 'h000 'h001 'h002
5'h18 5'h005'h10 5'h14 5'h15 5'h16 5'h175'h10 5'h11 5'h12 5'h135'h0C 5'h0D 5'h0E 5'h0F5'h08 5'h09 5'h0A 5'h0B5'h04 5'h05 5'h06 5'h075'h00 5'h01 5'h02 5'h03
Note: The duty cycle of the step-up clock should be close to 50%.
1H period
Synchronized with the reference point in unit of lines
Synchronized with the head of BP period
1H period
1H period
1H period
8 clock cycles
16 clock cycles
32 clock cycles (As the number of clocks per 1H period is less than 32, the duty cycle of the step-up clock is not 50%.
4H cycles
8H cycles
16H cycles
4H cycles 4H cycles 4H cycles
8H cycles
8 clock cycles
Synchronized with the reference point in unit of lines
8 clock cycles