Section 37 Electrical Characteristics
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1973 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Table 37.2 DC Characteristics (8) [USB 2.0 Host/Function Module-Related Pins* (High-
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Squelch detection threshold voltage
(differential voltage)
VHSSQ 100 150 mV
Common mode voltage range VHSCM 50 500 mV
Idle state VHSOI 10.0 10.0 mV
Output high voltage VHSOH 360 440 mV
Output low voltage VHSOL 10.0 10.0 mV
Chirp J output voltage (difference) VCHIRPJ 700 1100 mV
Chirp K output voltage (difference) VCHIRPK 900 500 mV
Note: * DP and DM pins
Table 37.3 Permissible Output Currents
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Permissible output low
current (per pin)
PE5 to PE0 I
10 mA
Output pins other
than above
2 mA
Permissible output low current (total) I
150 mA
Permissible output high current (per pin) I
2 mA
Permissible output high current (total) I
150 mA
Caution: To protect the LSI's reliability, do not exceed the output current values in table 37.3.