HTS Demo Kit V1.0 13/ 20 December 2007
When RAM Windows or Variable Watch Windows are refreshed, significant target processing time is
consumed during which user application code is not executed. Use caution in using refreshing windows,
as it affects the real-time behavior of your application code.
7.8. Performing Debug Using Symbols
Normally when a new project is created using HEW, debugging symbols are enabled. If you are unable to
view the source properly during debug, add the debug option [-g] in HEW before compiling the programs.
To enable the [-g] option, perform the following:
• Open the workspace and project in HEW.
• Select ‘Renesas M16C Standard Toolchain’ from the Options pull-down menu.
• Click on the [Link] tab.
• Select ‘Output’ under the ‘Category’ list box.
• Click on the checkbox for [-g] ‘Outputs source debug information…’
• Click on the <OK> button
For more information, see the HEW user’s manual.