Direct Drive LCD Design Guide
4.1.5 LCDSetFrameRate
Configure the vertical refresh rate of the LCD panel.
sI16 LCDSetFrameRate(sI16 rate);
Requested refresh rate (in Hz)
Return Values
Negative value indicates rate was not able to be achieved with system configuration. Positive value
indicates success, returned value will be the percent of MCU access time available.
Prototyped in file ”DirectLCD.h”
Implemented in file “DirectLCD_SBF.c” for H8S family or “DirectLCD_XBCFT.c” for H8SX family.
This function is used to control the vertical refresh rate of the LCD panel. This function can be used to
dynamically adapt the MCU access time based on system conditions. For example, prior to a full buffer
refresh, the rate can be dropped to increase access time, than it can be restored to previous value for
normal operation.
sI16 success = LCDSetFrameRate(60); /* set frame rate to 60Hz */
if (success < 0)… /* process error */