
USB Troubleshooting
TS Fig. 3
Windows 2000
1) Remove the RCA or Thomson USB Cable Modem network adapter following the Windows
2000 instructions outlined in Solution 1B, Remove Another Network Adapter, on page 34.
2) Remove the netrcacm.sys.
a) Left click on the Start icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.
b) Select Search, followed by For Files or Folders. The Search Results window
appears. The window may resemble the one below (TS fig. 3).
c) In the Containing Text: box, type netrcacm. In the Look in: box, use the pull down
menu to select your local hard drive (e.g., c:\), and press Search Now.
The search should find the netrcacm.sys file.
d) Highlight this file and press Delete.
e) The Confirm File Delete window appears. Click on Yes to confirm your approval to
delete this file.
f) Close all open windows.
3) Remove the correct inf file.
Note: In Windows 2000, the name of the “inf” file may not be consistent.
a) Left click on the Start icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.
b) Select Search, followed by For Files or Folders. The Search Results window