1-4 Operator's Manual LDK 200 - Multi-role Digital Camera Head Introduction
• 3x 2/3-inch switcheable DPM sensors ensure no
vertical smear.
• DPM Frame Transfer sensors with 1000 horizontal
pixels in 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios, and the same
number of vertical lines in both formats. No change
in horizontal viewing angle - so no optical wide
angle convertors required.
• 12-bit digital processing with unique software
programmable video path.
• Superior all digital highlight handling with a wide
dynamic range.
• Unique circuitry for pivoting knee and True Colour
• Wide range of presets and variable 6-point digital
matrix assure accurate colour matching.
• Fluorescent light matrix
• Digital gamma with unique standard preset values
and highest accuracy.
• Digital contour with an extensive range of
• Advanced contour correction includes two automatic
skin settings.
• Intelligent Continuous Automatics black levels,
black shading and video levels - no set-up time
• Digital contrast with standard black stretch and
black press.
• International standard 2/3-inch lens interface.
• Optical servo-controlled four-position neutral density
filter wheel.
• Optical servo-controlled effect filter wheel with soft
focus, four-point star and six-point star filters.
• Electronic colour filter can be used for creating a
special look (warm / cold) of a scene, or for a
smooth colour temperature control around the white
balance setting.
• Smart card for personal settings and security.
• Owner card for setting user levels, and for copying
and storing control settings.
• Protected, easy-to-operate controls and switches
with read-out of all settings.
• Viewfinder status read-out of primary camera
• Clean scan feature allows capture of computer and
other monitor pictures.
• Digital RS 232 interface to PC.
• Zoom control handgrip makes awkward shots easy.
• Transport case.
• SuperXPander extends the camera's use in studio
and EFP situations.
• Smart-Touch™ gives the operator instant, one-
button access to 14 predefined shooting