16 April, 2003 Fibre Channel Switch 5
Grass Valley Product Support
To get technical assistance, check on the status of problems, or report new problems,
contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support information on the Web, visit the product support Web page on the
Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or find solutions to problems by
searching our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database.
World Wide Web: http://www.thomsongrassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address: gvgtechsupport@thomson.net.
Phone Support
Use the following information to contact product support by phone during business
hours. Afterhours phone support is available for warranty and contract customers.
USA and Americas (includes Latin America and Canada)
Europe and UK
Asia Pacific
Authorized Support Representative
A local authorized support representative may be available in your country. To locate the
support representative for your country, visit the product support Web page on the Grass
Valley Web site.
Profile Users Group
You can connect with other Profile XP Media Platform users to ask questions or share
advice, tips, and hints. Send e-mail to profile-users@thomson.net to join the
community and benefit from the experience of others.
Telephone (800) 547-8949 (Toll Free)
(530) 478-4148 (Direct Dial Toll Call)
Fax (530) 478-3181
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Tel +44 1753 218 777
Fax +44 1753 218 757
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Fax +39 72 905 371
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Fax +33 145 297 302
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Fax +49 221 1791 235
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Japan Tel (813) 5484 6869
Fax (813) 5484 3775
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South East
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