Chapter 1 13
Connections and Setup
Next Steps
This chapter is dedicated to connecting your DVD/VCR player. Before you start
playing discs, you might want to get familiar with the remote control — Chapter 2
has details.
If you want to skip straight to playing discs, go to Chapter 3 (page 17). It explains
playback features of DVDs, Audio CDs, Video CDs, discs that contain MP3 files.
The VCR features are described in Chapter 4, including how to record and set up
the VCR (page 29). The DVD/VCR player’s menu system is outlined in Chapter 5
(page 38), and Chapter 6 contains troubleshooting assistance, your Limited
Warranty, and additional information about your DVD/VCR player.
What to Expect
DVD and VCR Modes
As you familiarize yourself with this product, keep in mind that you need to tell
the remote which part of the unit you want to operate — the DVD part of the unit
or the VCR part. To operate the DVD part of the DVD/VCR, press the DVD button on
the remote. To operate the VCR part, press the VCR button. (You can also change
modes on the front of the unit by pressing the DVD/VCR button.)
Menu Systems
Since this product combines a DVD player with a VCR, the menu systems are
separate. The settings in one menu system don’t affect the other. For example, you
have to set the menu language for the VCR menu and then set the language for
the DVD menu.
User’s Guide
In this user’s guide, the product is generally referred to as a DVD/VCR. You might
see features referenced separately as DVD or VCR features, or you might see them
combined, depending on the feature.
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